DDupleks Steelhead Monolit 32 Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 1-1/8 oz Solid Steel Slug Lead-Free Box of 5
BBuy ddupleks 32 Ammunition 12 Gauge 2-3/4″ 1-1/8 currently available in stock ready to ship. The DDupleks solid slug design provides excellent penetration capabilities suitable for big game hunting. The Steelhead slug is designed for hunting in overgrown areas where increased stability and resistance against obstacles is necessary.
- Non-toxic steel and polyethylene construction
- Solid steel construction for deep penetration to reach vital organs
- Flat ogive for maximum energy transfer
- Waisted slug body provides aerodynamic self-stabilization
- Polyethylene bearing surfaces reduce bore friction
- Suitable for both smoothbore and rifled barrels
- Safe for all chokes
- Excellent penetration in heavy brush
- Reduced possibility of ricochets
- No lead or plastic fouling
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